Why We Love Our False Eyelashes But Not the Toxic Glue

Article published at: Sep 3, 2023 Article author: myousaf a Article tag: dangers of glue
Toxic Glue
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Women love wearing false eyelashes.  While it might seem like more and more women are wearing them the trend actually started back over 100 years ago.  In 1911, a Canadian woman named Anna Taylor patented false eyelashes in the United States.

By the 1950s, fake eyelashes became a staple in Western culture. Eye Makeup manufacturers evolved with growing demand. They swapped hair for the more readily available plastic in the 1950s. After this, the materials began to get even more advanced, and the trend grew.

Fast forward to 2023, and U.S. sales of eyelashes topped $2 billon dollars.  It's safe to say false eyelashes aren't going anywhere which is why we created a safe and effective way to attach false eyelashes.  It's called "Goodbye Glue" strips for lashes.  Medical grade adhesive strips designed to attach your lashes without the harmful chemicals found in eyelash glues and removers.
